Very interesting article, Dr. Wilson, that reminds me of my own NDE back in 1960, when I was 20 years old. I was admitted to a local hospital, diagnosed with diphtheria (don’t ask — I have no idea!), with a fever so high my very survival was in question. On the 8th day, my already high fever shot up more. And at one point, I recall looking down from above, dispassionately at this hospital bed and a corpse. There was a medical team around the corpse, trying to revive it. In the meantime, I just continued to float away in midair, perfectly lucid, calm, not a care in the world, especially about that corpse, and wondering what all the fuss was about.
Then, as I was approaching a light (no, I’d never heard of this phenomenon before), I felt myself suddenly being tugged back, back in the direction of the corpse. Then the pull got stronger, and I watched as an invisible force pulled me down and into the corpse. Suddenly, I’m looking up to the face of the woman I saw a moment earlier from behind. Now, I’m looking her in the eyes at the very moment she finishes plunging a horse needle dead center into my solar plexus, straight into the heart! The team of about 8 around her all sighed in unison, in relief as the corpse came back to life. He came back to life, and the fever broke. He/I was no longer dead, but alive and drenched in gallons of his/my own sweat.
And, no, I cannot explain how any of the afore mentioned happened. Just that it did. And none of it was “my imagination.” I saw everything while being literally out of my body, including the back of nurse horseneedle’s head. Not one bit of that was imagination. And, again, no, I cannot explain any of it.