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Trump’s Operational Levels, part 1:
Concerning Trump and Morality
by Robert Archerd, June 18, 2020
A Virginia Heffernan LA Times op-ed assailed Trump’s “ceaseless assault on decency and American values (as) moral turpitude…baseness, vileness and depravity,” and that “his behavior,,,is malum in se — evil in itself… (and that) the commander-in-chief is vile by the standards of any culture, in any nation, at any time (and by any) moral code on Earth.”
And now, after hearing of the revelations in John Bolton’s new book, all of the preceding is just that much more obvious. So whether Trump’s continued degradation of our norms makes him amoral or immoral becomes purely academic. Consider today’s revelation that Bolton witnessed as Trump not only sought reelection help from Xi Jinping, but as he also encouraged China’s president to “keep adding concentration camps.” Trump separating children from their parents at our southern border is morally reprehensible enough, but cheering on the addition of new concentration camps? Further comment is really unnecessary.
It appears, then, that there is no bottom to where this president will plunge us, but all that may just be a happenstance with Trump, simply a by-product of his self-gratification/aggrandizement-at-all-costs approach to everything he does. Including making his reelection campaign more urgent than protecting a nation exposed to a deadly virus. Can there be a greater dereliction of duty than this?