John, I felt exactly the same after the first approximately 20 minutes and shut it off. But still saved it on my TV, so I later turned it back on. So my wife and I watched the rest, and what at first appeared to be a disjointed disaster of a film, somehow came together. After, we both sat in stunned silence, realizing we'd just seen a great film. Not a good film, a great film! Immediately afterward, I emailed my movie-fan friends (this was a good 6 months ago) and told them we'd just seen the probable Best Picture winner at the 2023 Academy Awards. And I've seen most (not all) of the competing films, and still stand by my decision. I'd tell you to go back and watch the rest and that you might change your mind, but once a strong opinion has been broadcast, it's unlikely the ego can go back and reconsider. Too bad. Your loss. By the way, I really like most of your posts. This one, not so much, mainly because I think you jumped prematurely to your conclusion.