If I didn't know better, I'd think what I just read was way-over-the-top hyperbole. And in the extreme. But I do know better, and I see what you expressed here as simply giving it to us straight.
I cannot imagine a worse person on this earth than Donald Trump, and there's no hyperbole in the least in what I just said, either. The man is pure evil. Literally. But the religious right loves him. WTF!?
I guess it's A-Okay to be thoroughly rotten through and through, as long was he punishes all those infidels, huh? Especially those of a darker hue?
Really, before the first Trump infestation, I thought, as do most people, that stupidity was a function of native intelligence, that it had mainly to do with having a low IQ.
But since Trump 1.0, I've come to learn that certain base emotions, fear and hatred, together with a good dose of greed, can make any otherwise highly intelligent college grad think and do truly stupid things.
One of them is to vote against your real self interests, and those of your brothers and sisters, by voting for the Antichrist, a.k.a Donald John Trump.
And by the time people do this unthinkable thing, it will be too late to then lament, "OMG, what have I done?!"
Sorry, too late. And we won't have to wait until death to fully know Hell.
On the upside, thanks for another masterwork, Jeffrey.