I remember at 15 riding together in my friend's car, his father driving, taking several of us to a YMCA function. The dad asked me (I was sitting right next to him) if I was a Christian. I said yes. He then asked if I believed Jesus was the son of God, and, man, do I ever remember my response! I told him I believed in the teachings of Jesus but didn't care in the least who his father was! I'm now 84 and feel the same. The "Golden Rule" is a wonderful tool by which to live one's life, but regarding Jesus's lineage, I couldn't give a rat's ass. To me, that's absolutely meaningless and has nothing whatever to do with his teachings. For most of the first half of my life, I referred to myself as agnostic, but for the second half, I see myself as an atheist, and one who shares many, perhaps most, of the traits you list, including being college educated, liberal, with a good understanding of Christianity in particular and religion in general, experience wonder and awe of my surroundings daily, cry in the presence of beauty, dearly love my wife of 51 years, my two children, 9 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren, all the dogs I've ever had (or that had me), and am a graphic artist as well as a musician. In closing, I think of Christianity as a very good concept. My problem is not with the religion, it's with what appears to be the majority of Christians; they seem for the most part to be really good at hating any they see as "other."
Oh, before I forget, great article, Dan. I'm a follower and a big fan.