Member-only story
Grammarly Sucks!
by Robert Archerd
As far as we know, spoken and written language are tools used exclusively by us human earthlings. Additionally, language, as complex as it is, is used to communicate even the simplest of ideas. And while all species communicate with one another, none can do so in the painstaking detail nor on the wide range of topics as we humans.
And good communication doesn’t necessarily require correct usage. Though it’s grammatically correct to say, “He and I hailed a taxi,” “Me and him hailed …,” works just as well. Look at any of Bob Dylan’s innumerable songs, and you’ll often see (intentionally) incorrect usage. But Dylan never fails to communicate, and with the unerring precision that helped him win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016.
And though correct usage doesn’t always make for good communication, there are times when it’s absolutely necessary. For example, it’s become trendy to say “literally” as an exaggeration to drive home a point. But because this kind of license hampers communication — yes, it literally does — (“Payton is literally carrying the rest of the team on his back!”) this is where the language police need to step up. If incorrect English communicates accurately, fine. But when it does not, especially when it prevents communication, then sorry, it’s a no-no.
As for me, I am not a linguist nor do I pretend to have any real language expertise. My knowledge concerning rules of grammar and punctuation is just okay, probably better than the simple majority (51%) of…