Robert Archerd
5 min readMar 9, 2022

Critical Race Theory (CRT): a curse or a blessing?

Part 2 of 3: What do we mean by race?(edited: see paragraph on 2000 Census)

by Robert Archerd, March 8, 2022

In Part 1, I shared some of the systemic discrepancies that particularly impact people of color in areas such as education, housing, justice, healthcare and income. I shared that the available data show the median income in America, as of June 2021, for a White household to be 8 times that of a Black household ($188K to $24K), and that our general tendency to doubt such a discrepancy is called by psychologists “motivated cognition,” a…

Robert Archerd

Retired math/science educator, specialty in cognitive & moral development. Author of math & science programs , taught K thru grad level university.