Because you firmly believe that God created the universe, you frame the question to give such an answer, assuming "someone " or "something" created the universe and that it didn't naturally evolve along with the cosmos. And you mention reason and logic, neither of which you use. Instead, you beg the question strictly through rationalizations. You also show something else, a strong, heartfelt need to be right about God, as if you otherwise might just drop out of existence. Without such a strong emotional attachment, your search for answers such as these will be more honest, and will more likely reveal what's real (I was going to say "what's true," but that's too subjective). Anyway, you ardently believe God to be responsible for all existence (except, of course, how he came about), so just go ahead and believe what you're going to believe, without trying to prove your case via logic, reason, or anything to do with math and science; belief systems do not lend themselves to that.