All too often, when my BP is measured at the hospital, the nurse will often put the sleeve on so tight it feels like I'm being strangled; it hurts, literally causing pain! And when the reading is high, as is often the case, I'm told to make an appointment to come back to have the BP checked again, which is always very annoying. One of those times, a young physician assistant, not a nurse, did my BP reading. He didn't put the sleeve on too tight and, voila, a good reading! I mentioned to him the too-tight-sleeve problem I often faced and he said that a too-tight sleeve could lead to a falsely high reading. It's too bad that nurses and technicians often don't know to make the sleeve a comfortable fit. My biceps are unusually large due to a long athletic career, and thing like this needs to be considered. So, you're right, one size doesn't fit all.